COSTA CONCORDIA OFFERTA: perché non accettare per ora
L’ammontare del risarcimento dovuto ai passeggeri di Costa Concordia crociera diventa una faccenda più complicata, da quando alcuni gruppi di consumatori e singoli passeggeri hanno espresso la loro intenzione di non accettare l’accordo raggiunto dalla Società Costa e alcune associazioni dei consumatori, scegliendo di muoversi separatamente.
il 29 gennaio Costa Crociere ha annunciato di aver raggiunto un accordo con le associazioni dei consumatori per quanto riguarda il compenso da dare ai passeggeri di Concordia (naturalmente esclusi quelli feriti e le famiglie dei morti, alle quali il risarcimento individuale sarà determinato singolarmente). L’accordo, è stato frettolosamente firmato dai membri della Associazioni dei Consumatori del CNCU, Consiglio Nazionale dei Consumatori e degli Utenti (Acu, Adiconsum, Adoc, Adusbef, Altroconsumo, Assoconsum, Assoutenti, Casa del Consumatore, Cittadinanzattiva, Ctcu, Federconsumatori, Lega Consumatori, Movimento Consumatori, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino, Unione Nazionale Consumatori), a condizione che ogni passeggero avrebbe ricevuto un importo forfettario di € 11.000 a titolo di risarcimento danni e di copertura di proprietà o meno, il “disagio psicologico sofferto” e “danno vacanza rovinata”. L’ammontare della cifra verrebbe assegnato ad ogni passeggero senza distinzione di età, numero dei figli, anche se non paganti, e dovrebbero essere integrate dal rimborso integrale od a forfait del valore della crociera, tra cui tasse portuali, trasferimenti, il rimborso di aerei e autobus, incluso nel rimborso da crociera le spese di viaggio sostenute per il ritorno, il rimborso delle spese mediche sostenute, il rimborso delle spese sostenute durante la crociera. In tutto, si arriva a una cifra di circa 14.000 euro.
Ma qualche altra associazione, come la maggior parte degli studi legali singoli, non accettano l’accordo, definendolo “una miseria” e la proposta “ridicola”, secondo la proporzione della colpa per la sofferenza e la leggerezza della Costa nell’incidente. Con questa proposta, Costa pare voler dire che o si prende 11,000 €, oppure sarà necessario agire in Tribunale, farsi parte attiva nelle richieste e che, poi, non ci sarà niente di sicuro in più, ma la realtà è ben diversa: il profilo penale e le indagini, coinvolgono ogni giorno di più anche la gestione di Costa Crociere per quello che è successo, quindi la soluzione è solo un tentativo frettoloso di limitare l’azione delle persone nel processo penale e arginare le cause legali contro il Managemant. Ieri, inoltre, sei passeggeri americani della Concordia hanno presentato a Miami, sede del Carnival, la società madre di Costa Crociere, una richiesta giudiziale di $ 460 milioni. Già qualche giorno fa un membro dell’equipaggio peruviano aveva presentato un ricorso a Chicago a partire da $ 100 milioni.
Le Compagnie di assicurazione non sono state coinvolti e questo ci fa pensare che la Costa e Carnival stano cercando di proteggere la loro linea di gestione anticipando i soldi per limitare i danni. Concordia è assicurata per 405 milioni di euro da una divisione di assicurazione del Gruppo tra cui XL, RSA, il generale Re e Hannover; l’assicurazione copre i danni alla nave, anche se per colpa dell’equipaggio e, entro certi limiti, responsabilità verso terzi, ma ci sono anche extra polizze assicurative passeggeri, come standard club.
LA MEDIAZIONE sarà sicuramente un possibile percorso per la definizione rapida e un accordo con Costa Crociere, per coloro che non hanno subito accettato la somma quindi è logico che, a breve giro, gli € 14,000 divengano la base di partenza per le nostre richieste di risarcimento; se ancora non è certo quanti hanno sottoscritto il rimborso costa concordia, sicuramente è possibile dire che saranno una esigua minoranza rispetto a coloro che seguiranno uno dei seguenti percorsi alterativi
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COSTA CONCORDIA OFFER: why you should hold any action for now
The amount of compensation due to passengers for Costa Concordia Cruise becomes more complicated, as some consumer groups and individual passengers have expressed their intention not to accept the agreement reached by the Company and some consumers associations and move separately.
the 29th of january Costa Cruises announced it had reached an agreement with consumer groups regarding the compensation to be given to passengers of Concordia (of course excluding those injured and families of the dead, to which individual compensation will be determined). The agreement, signed by members of the CNCU Consumer Associations, National Council of Consumers and Users, (Acu, Adiconsum, Adoc, Adusbef, Altroconsumo, Assoconsum, Assoutenti, Casa del Consumatore, Cittadinanzattiva, Ctcu, Federconsumatori, Lega Consumatori, Movimento Consumatori, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino, Unione Nazionale Consumatori), provided that each passenger would receive a flat rate of 11,000 euros in compensation and property damage coverage or not, the “psychological distress suffered” and “damage ruined holiday.” The figure amount would have been awarded a passenger regardless of age, considering the children, although not paying, and would be complemented by the full repayment of the value of the cruise, including port taxes, transfers, repayment of planes and buses, included in the cruise full refund of travel expenses incurred for the return, the refund of medical expenses incurred, the reimbursement of expenses incurred during the cruise. In all, we arrive at a figure of around 14,000 euros.
But some other association, as most of the single law firms, unmarked the agreement, calling it “a pittance”and called the proposals “ridiculous, according to the proportion of the blame for their suffering and the lightness of the Costa Cruise and the paltry sum. With this proposal, Costa want to say that either you take 11.000 euros, or you will need to act in a Court, do whatever it takes and then there is nothing for sure. But the reality is quite different: the growing crime case, involves more and more everyday also the Costa Crociere management for what happened, so the settlement is just a very hasty attempt to limit people’s action in the criminal case and lawsuits against the Managemant. Yesterday, in addition, six American passengers of Concord presented in Miami, registered office of Carnival, the parent company of Costa Cruises, a claim of $ 460 million. Already a few days ago a Peruvian crew member had filed a claim in Chicago from $ 100 million.
Insurance company are not been involved and this makes us think that the Costa and Carnival is trying to protect his management line. Concordia is insured for 405 million euros from a division of insurers including XL Group, RSA, General Re and Hanover; Insurance covers damage to the ship even if due to fault of the crew and, within certain limits, liability to third parties; there are even extra passengers insurance policies, as Standard Club.
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Fiumicino +39 06 89019172
Rome +39 06 39741015
if we agreed wit a DK law firm to proceed, can we get back the practice and not accept the offer? should we get doctor’s report for stressful suffering?
It depends on the agreement, if you did not accept the offer even if they suggested to do so you might be charged for the commitment; as the probably just wrote a letter it should not be a relevant issue; about doctor’s report is much better if you get trace of prescriptions and day of prognosis, since they will be part of the economical compensation due
I am thinking to accept costas offer, as i have no injuries and it will cover our financial losses quickly and no hassle, while my wife will continue filing a case with you. have you any comment? also have you any idea what minimum compensation would be for uninjured person.
of course we can not replace the passengers in making a decision, you will certainly have your good reasons to consider convenient the acceptance of Costa offer, for a fast and secure compensation.
On the other side we can give you some tips that may help for a more informed choice:
– The Costa offer is not really limited in time (We would be grateful if this documentation could be returned to us as soon as possible. The intention is to make payments on receipt of fully completed forms with legible ID within 7 days of receipt) , and, as we know from public sources, just a very small percentage of passengers accepted for now (they say from 5 to 10 %);
– So You could probably hold it for a while more, in order to take eventually advantage of what will happens to those cases already filed in Miami, Chicago and Italy too; consider that, just the day before yesterday, a woman filed a complaint case claim for a 1 million euro, as she interrupted pregnancy 10 days after the shipwreck in relation to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and many are following;
– We understand that You have no injuries but these cases have a very significant impact on public opinion and Costa Cruises will have to seek a general settlement in better terms than the one already offered and yet rejected by the vast majority of passengers, or loss for Costa company’s image could be much greater than the compensation due.
– We believe that, even for You as for those who did not suffered noticeable injuries, the PTSD will be a significant compensation component, not adequately included in the offer of compensation quickly agreed with some consumer groups, which, as immediately accused by their own clients, is being nothing more than a sell out, in order to limit the crime liability of Costa managemant.
– we estimate that, through a single mediation action, we can get Costa to double the offer, if the majority of passengers will reject the first offer of 11 +3 thousand euros.
– The Mediation process might probably be the key for a fast and better compensation for You, as the the whole procedure is closed within 90 days form filing, and the result is covered by confidentiality clause, so that Costa should not consider the single agreement as a prejudice for other cases.
– If the Mediation process, and after that, US judges or the Italian ones, fails to give better compensations, then any passenger will be recovered in terms to accept the original offer, or with a simple appeal to the base justice jurisdiction (Giudice di Pace) will get the 14,000 euros without any special effort and really fast terms (3-4 months).
– So we believe it is appropriate to suspend any action within three months after the accident, and in that terms submit a crime lawsuite to those who have suffered more evident injuries, and start the mediation process for all the others
Any expense about the lawsuit and mediation process will be advanced and charged to our office, so you will not be required to advance any money for mediation or other legal action to be taken.
We look forward to hear from you, in any case if you will email the embarkation tickets about your wife, we shall be following the registered letter of request for damages, and send all of our questionnaire forms